on being "transsexual"
i identify as a "transsexual" woman rather than as a "transgender" woman for the following reasons:
- anybody whose gender expression is incongruent with the one societally imbued in them since birth is transgender. however,
- while this is, in fact, the case for myself, it is not a specific reflection of the particulars of my identity.
- in other words, one can be transgender without being transsexual.
- for example: many non-binary individuals have opted to queer their gender expression without augmenting their primary, secondary, or tertiary sexual characteristics.
- however, i have been on a medically-prescribed regimen of female hormones since 11/23/2020.
- while misguided individuals use these terms interchangably, with "transsexual" being considered an archaic manifestation of the same implications of the word "transgender," this is simply not the case.
- in fact, i would argue that the refusal to call oneself -- and to be referred to as -- "transsexual" cedes important right-of-way to those who believe that being trans is a choice.
- because my transsexuality is based in material changes to my body through the employ of modern science,
- and because the hormonal, chemical changes from which result in the betterment of my emotional and sexual wellbeing,
- and additionally because gender is a societal construct, and therefore can be argued and debated and psychoanalyzed (none of which I am in the business of doing),
- i use the identifier "transsexual."
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